
Hey all. I know it’s been ages since I updated. I also know many of you follow me at http://www.facebook.com/myabyrnemusic and http://www.patreon.com/myabyrnemusic, and honestly my website has fallen behind in these pandemic times. I apologize for not keeping you posted here.

What have I been up to? I’ve been writing a TON of songs (most of that is on Patreon, or on http://www.youtube.com/myabyrnemusic, where there are several cool new videos), I’ve become a staff writer at http://www.countryqueer.com, I’ve been doing a bit of public performance online, and just trying to keep it together during this time. A short film I made was selected in a film festival, my poetry was added to the Fire Thieves collection by SF Poet Laureate Emerita Kim Shuck, I performed in No Exit Theatre Company’s online production of “Rossum’s Universal Robots”…there’s been a lot. It’s not easy to catch y’all up in one blog post, so I won’t try to do that, but I just want to say, I hope you’re staying safe, and keep checking in for a major website overhaul coming soon!


